Our Farm Page!

Great things are happening here!

Welcome to our farm page, a place where we share the latest updates and insights from our homesteading journey! We invite you to join us on this incredible adventure and let our experiences inspire you to embark on your own path towards self-sufficiency. Whether you reside in a bustling city or the serene countryside, remember that anyone can embrace the homesteader lifestyle. It's time to take that first step towards creating your own version of a fulfilling and sustainable life. Let's cultivate our dreams together and watch them bloom into reality!

Our Blog Articles! 

Where our story begins!

Check out how we began our story. This blog takes you through our initial journey from 2021 through the beginning of the year 2022! This is our path through making the decision to buy land and build our new home, Our new life!

The wonderful benefits of Dandelions!

Interested in knowing a little more about the benefits of dandelions? Well then do I have a blog post for you! In this quick and informative article I go over the benefits, history and even the uses of dandelions that you can implement into your everyday life! Check it out!

How to Deal With That Surplus of Eggs!

So many EGGS! What can you do to sustainably store eggs for a later use? That's simple! Water glass your eggs. Take a look at how water glassing eggs can benefit your homestead and also go through an easy to follow guide on how to do it!


4/14/2024 Update!

Drumroll, please! It's time to introduce the newest heartthrob on the farm - ZEUS! This charming fella is already stealing hearts with his lovable and gentle nature. We snagged him from the fabulous Rosebay Ridge, just a hop, skip, and a jump away from Pittsburgh. With his stunning Roan coat, we're pretty sure he's going to pass down some serious style to his future generations! We can't wait to see all the pizzazz and flair he brings to the homestead. Zeus, you rockstar, welcome aboard!

3/30/2024 Update!

Today, we welcomed Cleo, a Nigerian Dwarf goat, to our homestead after an 11-hour drive to pick her up from Chicken Harte Homestead in Liberty, New York. Cleo has striking coloring and piercing blue eyes that make her a beautiful addition to our farm. She handled the long journey home well and has settled into her quarantine area comfortably. Having spent her first 8 months at Chicken Harte Homestead, Cleo was clearly loved and well cared for. She is adjusting to her new surroundings and our family has been enjoying spending time with her as she acclimates to our farm. We look forward to spoiling Cleo and providing her with the love and care she deserves!

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